
Christian Alexander Shao

I’m proud to announce that at 11:06PM Sunday, August 15th 2004 Christian Alexander Shao took his first leap into the world. He was 7 lb. 13 oz, 20.5″ long, and judging by the strong cries he uttered immediately after entering the world, rather cold and wet. Lisa is currently recovering at St. Peters Hospital in ...

Students saying no to CompSci

This fall, there are just under 200 new undergraduate majors in MIT’s electrical engineering and computer science department, down from about 240 last year and roughly 385 three years ago. The Rutgers University computer science department has canceled some course sections and expects total enrollment in classes in the major this year to be thousands ...

Apple’s Future

Marketing: Where Does Apple Go from Here? – Macintosh market share continues to decline, but the iPod and iTunes are hit products. Where does Apple Computer’s future lie? An interview with HBS professor David Yoffie. [ “(extlink)HBS Working Knowledge”:http://workingknowledge.hbs.edu ] He seems to have a pretty solid grasp on the main problem: by having their ...

Walmart Night Lock-ins

Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins by Wal-Mart – It was 3 a.m., Mr. Rodriguez recalled, some heavy machinery had just smashed into his ankle, and he had no idea how he would get to the hospital. The Sam’s Club, a Wal-Mart subsidiary, had locked its overnight workers in, as it always did, to keep robbers out ...

Did Blogs Amplify War-Propoganda

Did the weblog world do anything other than amplify the pre-war Bush propaganda campaign on Iraqi WMD?  Are we in the worst of all worlds when the mainstream media (our former gatekeepers) buys into a completely false propoganda campaign and that same propoganda is supported online by tens of thousands of mini-Limbaughs? [John Robb’s Weblog] Considering much of ...