
Omniweb 5

Omnigroup has released a beta of their new Omniweb 5 browser. My initial impression is that it’s slick and the new features, especially workspaces, and their implementation of tabs are outstanding, but the browser is to buggy to seriously use right now.

Apple’s Future

Marketing: Where Does Apple Go from Here? – Macintosh market share continues to decline, but the iPod and iTunes are hit products. Where does Apple Computer’s future lie? An interview with HBS professor David Yoffie. [ “(extlink)HBS Working Knowledge”:http://workingknowledge.hbs.edu ] He seems to have a pretty solid grasp on the main problem: by having their ...

Gateway buys eMachines

The Register – Gateway has said it will buy low-cost PC maker eMachines in a bid to boost its market share around the world and in the US market in particular. [ The Register ] The most amazing quote in the article for me was: bq. Gateway hopes that the cost savings it expects to ...

Disposable DVDs

Disposable DVDs get thumbs-down from buyers – The disposable DVD concept has never been a popular one with most technology-oriented folk, who generally prefer the concept of ownership of their physical property over that of continuously renting it — for example, witness the reservations many have over the DRM restrictions in the iTunes Music Store. ...

Walmart Night Lock-ins

Workers Assail Night Lock-Ins by Wal-Mart – It was 3 a.m., Mr. Rodriguez recalled, some heavy machinery had just smashed into his ankle, and he had no idea how he would get to the hospital. The Sam’s Club, a Wal-Mart subsidiary, had locked its overnight workers in, as it always did, to keep robbers out ...