
JA-SIG Unconf: Lightning Talks

After taking out a while to do introductions and handle the administrativa (even unconfs can’t seem to get away from it) we’re into the lightning talks which I’m trying to keep up with to podcast. They’re going pretty fast, we’ve gone through something like 6 so far, and they’re coming up fast. Update: I was ...

EDUCAUSE Community Source Reception

At the Community Source reception cosponsored by JA-SIG, Sakai, Kuali it was uplifting to see the number of people participating. CIOs, managers, developers, vendors were all present in abundance. It was also clear from conversation at the reception that open-source in the Higher Ed is breaking into new areas. While there’s no question infrastructure and ...

Matt Raible JA-SIG Keynote

This post is me catching up with my podcasting from the JA-SIG Summer 2007 Conference in Denver. Matt Raible did a rendition of his Java Frameworks talk, discussing his experience with the various Java web frameworks. I’ve attached an (OK) audio transcript of the talk, which Matt also blogged about at: http://raibledesigns.com/rd/entry/ja_sig_comparing_java_web where he also ...


Looks like I’m famous 🙂 A Q&A on how I got involved with JA-SIG and some of my thoughts on education and open-source was posted in the latest issue of the JA-SIG Newsletter (which Roger has done a superior job of publishing monthly, and on a real schedule too — congratulations!)

Jim’s Famous! (Jonathan, JA-SIG, and uPortal too..)

Open Source Portal Project Honored as Catalyst Campustech did a short piece on JA-SIG uPortal winning EDUCAUSE’s Catalyst Award, where they mentioned the award, and then quoted some bits from Jim H… Jim Helwig, the project manager of the uPortal project at the University of Wisconsin at Madison’s Department of Information Technology, said the project ...