
Tim Bray Not Sure About OpenID

ongoing · OpenID The Real Problem · Of course, out there in the enterprise space where most of Sun’s customers live, they think about identity problems at an entirely different level. Single-sign-on seems like a little and not terribly interesting piece of the problem. They lose sleep at night over “Attribute Exchange”; once you have ...

uP3 Day 3: More Person Directory, Publishing, & CVS

Eric posted new PersonDirectory code which we updated to try to get — so we’re now running on changeset 2877, not RC1. Sometimes, CVS is just plain evil. Now performing the 3rd import. All kinds of issues with missing files due to default .cvsignore rules -I ! is your friend. Not such a productive day, ...

Rutgers UBC_Webmail Modifications

Rutgers UBC_Webmail Modifications
George Lindholm wrote: I’m starting some work on the UBC Webmail channel as part of our 2.0.3 to 2.5.x upgrade project. George — I’ve responded inline to get notes on the list, there’s a blog version of this online at: which has pictures which is probably much simpler to get a feel for what I’m ...

Bush, Kerry, and voting Independent?

There’s been a lot of heated debate over dishonesty and manipulation of facts after the Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates. In many ways I think the items that are attracting outrage are relatively small, and those more deserving of public scrutiny seem to be getting ignored. For instance, given the overall context of a political debate, ...

Lost in Translation

Some jokes showed up in my email box today. While I don’t normally reward Spam, some of these were pretty good. > The American Dairy Association was so successful with its “Got Milk?” > campaign, that it was decided to extend the ads to Mexico. > Unfortunately, the Spanish translation was “Are you lactating?” > ...