
FASB’s all wrong on this one

“News.com – FASB’s all wrong on this one”:http://news.com.com/FASB%27s+all+wrong+on+this+one/2010-1014_3-5302648.html?part=rss&tag=5302648&subj=news.1014.5 It will mean the end of many broad-based options programs, curtailing the American innovation and creativity that sets us apart globally, and that fundamentally, America’s workers, businesses and overall economy will pay the cost. Though I have issues with the pragmatist’s argument that expensing options is too ...

Blogging styles: Articles or Links?

I haven’t blogged on this site for a while. I have made some posts to my RUJason site using Blogger. Since blogger’s redesign and the launch of MT 3.0 I’ve been comparing the 2 services and have come to the conclusion that both are now mature, capable platforms specialized for different styles, comments & links, ...

U.S. Drops ICC Immunity

The United States bowed to broad opposition on the Security Council today and announced that it was dropping its effort to gain immunity for its troops from prosecution by the International Criminal Court. The United States has decided not to proceed further with consideration and action on the draft at this time in order to ...

Kerry and Bush: No Difference?

FOXNews.com – Views – Straight Talk – Kerry, Bush Offer Voters Little Choice bq. Kerry is a pro-business Democrat who’s liberal on those social issues over which the executive branch has little control. President Bush is a big-government Republican who’s conservative on those social issues over which the executive branch has little control. The power ...

Opera 7.5b for Mac

My Opera Forums – Opera for Mac bq. Opera Software today released the beta 1 of version 7.50, redesigned from the bottom up for Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris. Today’s release marks the first time that upgrades for all desktop platforms have been released simultaneously, with Opera now bringing its Mac browser up to ...