
FastCompany on Walmart’s Cutthroat Practices

The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know – A gallon-sized jar of whole pickles is something to behold. The jar is the size of a small aquarium. The fat green pickles, floating in swampy juice, look reptilian, their shapes exaggerated by the glass. It weighs 12 pounds, too big to carry with one hand. The gallon jar ...

Businessweek on Indian Outsourcing

Corporate America’s Silent Partnet: India – The shift of skilled work to India is becoming one of Corporate America’s worst-kept secrets. Almost daily, India’s newspapers carry items on new plans by U.S. software, finance, or pharmaceutical companies to open or expand call centers and research labs. Officials from Bombay to Bangalore point to splashy new ...

Dilbert’s Ultimate Cubicle

Dilbert’s Ultimate Cubicle – “Over the years, DILBERT fans have e-mailed me on all sorts of topics. And after a while, I began to realize that a common theme among the majority of them was the fact that most people are highly frustrated with their cubicles. So I started to think, ‘What would DILBERT want ...

Why No Afghan Checks and Balances?

Karzai weathers power struggle, but at a price – Hamid Karzai is on a roll. A majority of the 502 delegates to Afghanistan’s constitutional convention now favors the strong presidential system that Mr. Karzai is pushing. The emerging consensus is a big win for Karzai and for the United States, which installed the ethnic Pashtun ...

Movable Type Upgrade Coming

Movable Type 3.0 – We realize that official news has been scarce over the last 6-9 months. During this time, our company has grown from two people to seven, and we have launched TypePad . Now that we have hired more engineering resources (and we are still looking for more ), we are able to ...