
Open Letter to Connie Schultz

Ms. Schultz, My wife and I were reading the paper together when we saw a syndicated copy of your column titled “Morning after pill brings ad new day.” As someone who after some careful thought generally supports the idea of the morning after pill being made an over the counter medication (as long as the ...

Gift Cards Have Redeeming Value?

A “special advertising section” of the Star Ledger Tue 12/16 had an article titled Gift card has redeeming value written by ‘Andrea Frucci – Marketing Staff.’ Ms. Frucci tries to paint the gift card as a win-win situation for people looking to buy gifts, less work for you, and then your recipients get to go ...

Israel Warns of Unilateral Action

The BBC Story states: Israel will take unilateral steps to separate from the Palestinians unless there is progress on the roadmap peace plan, Ariel Sharon has warned. These would include the dismantling of settler outposts and accelerating the building of the controversial security barrier in the West Bank, he said. The Palestinian Prime Minister has ...

Religious Accessories banned in French Schools

Jacques Chirac has declared that France ‘must outlaw Islamic head coverings, Jewish skullcaps, and other obvious religions signs in schools and regulate them in the workplace.’ according to the Star-Ledger. A ban on wearing conspicuous religious insignia such as head scarves, large crucifixes or Jewish skullcaps in public schools will likely be in place by ...

NJ 9/11 Memorial

The Star Ledger reports on a revival of plans for a public competition to design a 9/11 memorial for NJ victims to be placed in Liberty Corner State Park. A previous contest was doomed by poor publicity and was scrapped in November after garnering only 19 submissions, none of which impressed the family members who ...