
No More Copying TV Programs

Losing Control of Your TV – Indeed, Hollywood was always set up to be one of the winners of the home technology revolution. What would have been different if the movie industry had won in its lawsuit against Sony is that the revolution in camcorders, amateur video productions, and independent moviemakers never would have happened. ...

Apple Computer Debt Free

Apple CEO Steve Jobs today sent out a letter to Apple employees: Team, Today is a historic day of sorts for our company. When I arrived back at Apple in mid-1997, the company was burdened with $1 billion of debt. Through everyone’s hard work we turned Apple around, paid off the majority of our debt ...

Costco: Good Pay = Good Business

Costco Sees Value in Higher Pay – “We pay better than the supermarkets, and we pay much better than Wal-Mart,” Sinegal says. “That’s not altruism,” he continues. “It’s good business.” The numbers seem to back him up. Costco’s labor costs amount to 7% of its $42 billion in annual sales, a key industry yardstick. By ...

Same-sex Marriage

Same-Sex Marriage – Can someone please explain to me why same-sex marriage is a bad thing? Seriously, please explain to me why a man and a man or a woman and a woman should not be able to marry. I will add only one qualifier, if you say that it is wrong because the Bible ...

Apple’s Future

Marketing: Where Does Apple Go from Here? – Macintosh market share continues to decline, but the iPod and iTunes are hit products. Where does Apple Computer’s future lie? An interview with HBS professor David Yoffie. [ “(extlink)HBS Working Knowledge”:http://workingknowledge.hbs.edu ] He seems to have a pretty solid grasp on the main problem: by having their ...