
Gen Zinni Speaks Out

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: May 16, 2004 – May 22, 2004 Archives bq. Accusing top Pentagon officials of “dereliction of duty,” retired Marine General Anthony Zinni says staying the course in Iraq isn’t a reasonable option. “The course is headed over Niagara Falls. I think it’s time to change course a little ...

iChat TV

Simon Thornton: A Mutual Misunderstanding bq. The recent versions of iChat have, of course, brought with them the capability to use a video source (for most people, that would mean an iSight, or a USB webcam using a hack to get it to work in iChat – see my old post about that, or even ...

Michael Moore’s New Film

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Disney ‘blocks’ Moore documentary bq. Moore, who won an Oscar for Bowling for Columbine in 2003, questioned whether in a “free and open society” Disney should be making such a decision. While much of “(extlink)Michael Moore’s work”:http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0601619/ has been excellent, I think he takes it a bit far when a ...

Atheist Sues Over Pledge

Atheist Presents Case for Taking God From Pledge – Dr. Newdow replied: “That is a view that you may choose to take and the majority of Americans may choose to take. But it’s not the view I take, and when I see the flag and I think of pledging allegiance, it’s like I’m getting slapped ...

95-Year Copyright Statistically Same as Unlimited

95yearCopy.pdf – In the USA, the constitution gives Congress the authority to grant a copyright for a limited time. The purpose of this is clear from the context: economic benefits. An economic benefit can be regarded as a sequence of cash flows. In finance, the duration of a sequence of cash flows is not measured ...