
Verizon plans unbundled DSL

Verizon Communications will soon become the second Baby Bell in the United States to offer broadband to consumers regardless of whether those customers also buy its local phone service. The company confirmed on Wednesday that it plans to offer what’s been called “naked” digital subscriber line (DSL) service to customers within its local phone region ...

Nielson on Computers of 2034

Thirty Years With Computers (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox) bq.. We’ll also spend a big percentage of the computer power on defense mechanisms such as self-healing software (to root out bugs and adapt to changing environments) and aggressively defensive virus antibodies. We’ll need such software to protect against “social engineering” attacks, such as email that purports to ...

RIAA Lying With Statistics

Moses Avalon posted a great US article on interpreting the RIAA’s figures. When the RIAA discusses sales, they mean shipments to retailers, *NOT* purchases by consumers. While shipments to retailers may be down, sales to consumers as measured by Soundscan are actually *UP* . bq. There is only one logical integration of all these statistics ...

the Passion: Box Office

the Passion: Box Office
John Robb’s Weblog – Passion of the Christ I wonder if for many *Passion of the Christ* is going to end up being the defining main-stream Christian film of the decade?

Yahoo Anti-SPAM Proposal

Yahoo! Media Relations – Press Release bq. When an email message is received from a particular domain, the receiving system verifies the signature with the sender’s public key that is published in the public Domain Name System (“DNS”). If the public key cannot verify the signature, the identity of the sender is not validated and ...