
Turn Cremated Loved Ones Into Diamonds

The remains of a 27-year-old woman from Phoenix have been transformed into six precious stones and are set to be delivered to her family and friends on Friday. LifeGem’s first order could be the start of a new age in the funeral industry. Fantastically creepy, and yet at the same time kind of practical seeming. ...

XGrid agent for Unix architectures

This article introduces the first working Xgrid agent for Linux and other Unix systems that can be integrated in any XGrid cluster (managed by OS X). The agent will compile and work on Linux (at least Debian and RedHat), Solaris (minimal testing) and Darwin (tested). You still need an OS X machine for the controller ...

US chastity crusade: cool response in Britain

US chastity crusade gets cool response in secular Britain | csmonitor.com: “The government prefers the message offered by a domestic program called APAUSE (Added Power and Understanding in Sex Education) that counsels an ABC of good practice (Abstinence, Be faithful, use a Condom).One of its architects, John Tripp of Exeter University, says that while Britain ...

DVD Rewinder

DVD Rewinder: “Some might say that the makers of the DVD Rewinder are scam artists, even despite their claims that the DVD Rewinder is for entertainment purposes only, but really, if people are buying them, can you blame them? I bought two to go with my centrifugal LP re-flattener and my cotton-tipped radial laserdisc demux ...

WWII Propaganda Posters

Propaganda Posters bq. Most of the images on this page are of U.S. propaganda posters used in World War Two to motivate millions of Americans in the successful effort to defeat the Axis Powers in World War Two. Some of these posters are “chilling” in the emotional impact they make. Many of the posters are ...