
Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS: more communicator than console? | The Register I was skeptical at first, but it would be neat to have a configurable area to display private info, especially for multiplayer games. I think this only makes sense in a portable (where clamshells help keep the device small when not in use), since on a ...

JetBlue Customer Service at Home

“(extlink)Calling JetBlue”:http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/82/jetblue_agents.html bq. Equipping agents with a home computer eliminates the need for a large expensive call center. It also boosts efficiency and retention in a job with traditionally high turnover. It offers agents, many of them at-home moms, flexible part-time work. When call volume is down, someone on the operations desk in the Salt ...

NYC Man Lives in Mobile Home

The New York Times – A Rent-Free Place, if You Can Find a Spot to Park bq. A lot of my friends have kids and bills and they’re all bald,Mr. Hines said. Me, I’m not living large, but life is still good. I’m living on my own terms. I have an apartment on wheels. I ...

Cameraphone Software Reads Barcodes

Semacode bq. Simply put, a semacode is a URL barcode. Using our free software, you can scan a semacode, and with just one click the proper webpage will be loaded on your phone’s browser. The system is open and extensible, and anyone can create semacodes on their own computer. This is a phenomenal idea. I ...

Problems Getting Macs in Enterprise

Mac News: Enterprise : The Challenge Apple Faces in Enterprise Computing bq. Unfortunately, that kind of expertise, in which the wrong people apply inapplicable experience to make wrong decisions, perpetuates its own reality and thus defines the challenge Apple faces in the enterprise computing market — explaining why spotting an Apple X-serve and RAID array ...