
Fix MT Bookmarklet in Safari

Fixing the MT bookmarklet for Safari [ “(extlink)The Daily Journey”:http://www.jayallen.org/journey/ ] Change: t=d.selection?d.selection.createRange() .text:d.getSelection(); To: t=getSelection(); Much as I’d grown to love Kung-log, with the trackback integration and “(extlink)Omniweb”:http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omniweb/ or “(extlink)Safari’s”:http://www.apple.com/safari built in spell checking, I’ve found that I actually use the bookmarklet much more when browsing and blogging. The only thing that would be ...

Did Blogs Amplify War-Propoganda

Did the weblog world do anything other than amplify the pre-war Bush propaganda campaign on Iraqi WMD?  Are we in the worst of all worlds when the mainstream media (our former gatekeepers) buys into a completely false propoganda campaign and that same propoganda is supported online by tens of thousands of mini-Limbaughs? [John Robb’s Weblog] Considering much of ...

US Photos and Prints Visitors

US introduces new security checks – New US security regulations have come into force that will see most foreign visitors having their photographs and fingerprints taken. The rules apply to all those requiring visas to enter the United States. [BBC] I wonder how long it will be until police are routinely running fingerprints against this ...

New Years Resolutions

Many people have this year have said that they don’t seem to have New Year’s resolutions. “What’s the point if I’m not going to stick with them?” Don’t you feel excessively cynical saying something like that? It seems like the value of resolutions isn’t the success in following them, but the commitment to the process ...

New NJ Drivers Licenses

“(extlink)New N.J. Licenses May Cause Problems”:http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/news/122903-njdmv.html – Beginning January 8th the state Motor Vehicle Commission will begin on a limited basis issuing new digital drivers licenses– but because they’re so new, they may not be accepted at first. Some commission workers who already have digital licenses found that out the hard way. [ “(extlink)ABC”:http://www.abc.com ] ...