
WTC 9/11 Memorial Revised

WTC 9/11 Memorial Revised
Revised 9/11 Memorial Is Unveiled – The finished design for the World Trade Center memorial site will build on the original concept of twin voids marking the location and outlines of the twin towers, but it will add lusher landscaping, create an underground center to house artifacts from the attack and establish a cultural center ...

Sue Cable TV – It Makes Wife Fat, Kids Lazy

Man says he’s addicted to cable; wants to sue Charter – Cable TV made a West Bend man addicted to TV, caused his wife to be overweight and his kids to be lazy, he says. And he’s threatening to sue the cable company. The real kicker under this story is that the man is suing ...

Video iPods That Work

The Future of Portable Video Players – But Mr. Jobs outlined three reasons he doubted video players would ever approach the success of audio players – not even counting their high price ($700 and up) and the time-consuming difficulty of loading huge video files onto them. It was clear from his answers that Mr. Jobs ...

Shrook and an Automatic (OPML) Blogroll

I’ve discovered myself relying more and more upon “(extlink)Shrook”:http://www.fondantfancies.com/shrook/ (my MacOSX RSS Aggregator) to get my daily newsfix. In addition to the standard functionality of allowing me to subscribe to sites, and identifying new posts, Shrook also automatically syncs with “(extlink)Shrook.com”:http://www.shrook.com both keeping track of which stories I’ve read regardless of what computer I’m on ...

Google’s IPO

The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town – That, as it happens, is what Google is contemplating. To be sure, the company has made the rounds on Wall Street and auditioned the usual investment banks. But it is also considering a different approach. Instead of hiring an investment bank, Google would effectively let the ...