
RIAA Suffers Setback

RIAA vs. Verizon – The Circuit Court of Appeals Trims the RIAA’s DMCA Wings – There was a case decided on Friday by a federal appeals court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, that is so significant in its implications, at least to my reading, that I thought it worthwhile to ...

Gift Cards Have Redeeming Value?

A “special advertising section” of the Star Ledger Tue 12/16 had an article titled Gift card has redeeming value written by ‘Andrea Frucci – Marketing Staff.’ Ms. Frucci tries to paint the gift card as a win-win situation for people looking to buy gifts, less work for you, and then your recipients get to go ...

Buffalo Fruitcake Amnesty Plan

Take that fruitcake and mail it. To Buffalo – BUFFALO, N.Y. — Competitive eaters will sink their teeth into the nation’s unwanted fruitcakes in a contest that blurs the line between public service and public spectacle. Buffalo and the International Federation of Competitive Eating yesterday announced their two-part answer to the question of what to ...

New WTC Design Unveiled

New WTC Design Unveiled
The proposal for a 1776 foot tower was unveiled yesterday. I’m not quite sure how to interpret it, though they have said that the design is still open to revision, but could be built as soon as 2008.

Israel Warns of Unilateral Action

The BBC Story states: Israel will take unilateral steps to separate from the Palestinians unless there is progress on the roadmap peace plan, Ariel Sharon has warned. These would include the dismantling of settler outposts and accelerating the building of the controversial security barrier in the West Bank, he said. The Palestinian Prime Minister has ...