
the Passion: Box Office

the Passion: Box Office
John Robb’s Weblog – Passion of the Christ I wonder if for many *Passion of the Christ* is going to end up being the defining main-stream Christian film of the decade?

Apple OS Updates Slowing

Apple to slow pace of Mac OS X tweaks | CNET News.com bq. However, during a talk at the SIIA Enterprise Software Summit 2004 here, Apple Chief Software Technology Officer Avie Tevanian said, “We’re slowing that (pace) down a little bit…because that’s not a sustainable rate. But you’ll still see us go really fast.” Tevanian ...

JetBlue Customer Service at Home

“(extlink)Calling JetBlue”:http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/82/jetblue_agents.html bq. Equipping agents with a home computer eliminates the need for a large expensive call center. It also boosts efficiency and retention in a job with traditionally high turnover. It offers agents, many of them at-home moms, flexible part-time work. When call volume is down, someone on the operations desk in the Salt ...

Patent Reform Recommended

Wired News: New Study Urges Patent Upgrade bq. As a solution, the council recommended in its report that the patent office and Congress take seven steps to improve the patent system. Those steps include, among other things, hiring new patent examiners, creating a more open system for challenging questionable patents, and rejecting more patents on ...

Unemployment and Offshoring

Say I wanted to build a technology research company from scratch. I would hire all of the principal analysts and core management team (including IT) from US sources. All of the accounting, admin, international sales, research associates, call center sales, editorial support, translation services, report production, and IT services would be hired from offshore sources ...