
Facebook Platform – In-road to HE Legitimacy?

Facebook Platform - In-road to HE Legitimacy?
http://developers.facebook.com/index.php Facebook has once again made it the coolest platform ever by opening their API further, and most importantly supporting sessions that don’t expire every 24 hours. There’s been a lot of talk on the web about this helping them to monetize Facebook’s user base through commerce partnerships. I think that’s true, but I also ...

Windley Post w/Microforomat vevent in NNW

This was so cool: Phil Windley’s publishing event references as microformats (hevent) in his blog posts, and NNW picked them up and created a little “add to iCal” button. This was so cool I had to ping Phil about it: I’m excited that it worked! I’m playing with it. I just wrote an Emacs function ...

I finally get REST. Wow.

I finally get REST. Wow. It’s depressing to think that SOAP started just about 10 years ago and that now that everything is said and done, we built RPC again. I know SOAP is really an XML messaging protocol, you can do oneway async stuff, etc, etc, but let’s face it. The tools make the ...

New Macbook Pro

Got a new Macbook Pro (gotta add the pro at the end) at work, and have literally spent the whole day adding in all the stuff I “need” to make it my own development box. It’s amazing how much stuff you end up with that you quickly come to rely on. My short list seems ...

Joey Day : Syzygy » The machine is us

Joey Day : Syzygy » The machine is us This is the second time I’ve seen this video in the past 2 days. First Bart showed it at our internal meeting yesterday, and then it showed up randomly in a Technorati tag link. It *is* cool though.