
[Fixed] IntelliJ Ubuntu Launcher Problem

http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224100I had a bunch of trouble getting a GNOME launcher to successfully execute (interestingly enough, the Eclipse/STS launchers mostly worked fine) – turned out it was related to JDK_HOME not being recognized by GNOME. I’d gotten accustomed to setting up my environment variables in ~/.bashrc and sourcing that into .profile – apparently GNOME looks in ...

[Fixed] Ubuntu 9.10 & Compiz Breaks VNC

So, found out while trying to VNC into my work box, that the “Visual Effects” in Ubuntu breaks the built-in GNOME VNC server – what happens is you can input text, click on controls, but changes are not refreshed into the view (the view isn’t “Damaged”). The current workaround seems to be either moving back ...

Loadtesting on EC2 – in all cloud++

Recently at work, had a need to rerun some load-testing numbers, but got stick since our internal servers all had builds we were looking at, or weren’t setup, or yada, yada… so we turned to EC2, with overall pretty positive results. Some background – we build a web-based portal application that runs on a lightweight ...

ITWeb :Unisa embraces Microsoft

ITWeb :Unisa embraces Microsoft: “[ Johannesburg, 3 December 2008 ] – At a time when many public organisations are migrating to open source solutions – the University of SA (Unisa) has chosen to embrace Microsoft. From 2009, registered students at Unisa will be required to sign up for a Microsoft-provided e-mail service. The free e-mail ...

GPL Java

http://www.infoq.com/news/2006/11/open-source-java It has finally happened. Sun today announced that Java SE, Java ME, and Glassfish are being open sourced under the GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) with Sun today releasing an early build of the Java SE 7 HotSpot JVM, the javac compiler, and JavaHelp in the new OpenJDK project at Java.NET which will be the project ...