
Democrats “Embrace” Gay Marriage

p. Another “(extlink)Salon article”:http://www.salon.com/politics/wire/2003/11/19/dems/index.html discusses the mainstream Democratic position that they seek a civil union arrangement, but not gay marriage. It sounds like political posturing at its worst, and begs the question, if it walks like a duck, and quacks, why not just call it marriage?

Kazaa to Legally Distribute Bollywood Film

p. According to a News.com “(extlink)story”:http://rss.com.com/2100-1026_3-5106829.html “(extlink)Kazaa”:http://www.kazaa.com is working with a Bollywood movie house to legally distribute a film and its soundtrack. This is quite possibly one of the smartest (and most economically rewarding moves) that they could take.

Parents Sue NFL for fan DWI

The “NYTimes”:http://www.nytimes.com posted an article titled N.F.L. Is Sued Over a Crash That Left a Child Paralyzed that mentions actions by a parent suing the NFL, the NYC Giants, the Meadowlands, the vendors, and anyone else who could possibly have money for a tragic auto accident by an intoxicated fan conviced of a DWI and ...

Slate: Thou Shalt Not Pray

Slate recently published Thou Shalt Not Pray – Does the Constitution hate God? By Dahlia Lithwick. In it the author discusses the trickiness involved in simultaneously working to guarantee freedom of individuals to practice religion with prohibiting the state from establishing religion. She mentions a few points, but then concludes with a passage that takes ...

Georgy for Governor

/. describes her as a “hottie” who uses Linux. Personally I think it sounds eerily like a potential plot for the next “Legally Blonde” movie. Though I solidly support the concept of grassroots political movements, I think that the reality of the world is that it’s very difficult to reach large number of voting people ...