
Teen arrested bootleggin Spider-man 2′

A 16-year-old was arrested early Wednesday in a theater showing ‘Spider-man 2’ after a projectionist using night vision goggles saw him using a camcorder to make an illegal copy of the superhero sequel. Pretty amazing to think that NVGs are so inexpensive that even movie theatres can give them out now. I wonder how long ...

Beastie Boys CD installs virus

assuming that the unconfirmed reports are accurate, we have here a media company infecting users’ machines silently with a file that affects a computer’s functionality, without first obtaining informed consent: a likely violation of pretty much every jurisdiction’s anti-hacking laws. It’s possible to foresee criminal charges being brought at some point: after all, having a ...

Less Local Phone Competition

The New York Times – Administration Sides With Bells on Lease Discounts for Rivals bq. The administration’s decision, which was announced in a legal case making its way to the Supreme Court, followed fierce lobbying and hardball tactics. Rivals of the Bells have threatened the administration that they intend to run television advertisements in swing ...

Search Ads Violate Trademark?

Geico sues Google, Overture over trademarks | CNET News.com bq. Geico, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company owned by Warren Buffett, filed suit against Google and Yahoo-owned Overture on May 4, in federal court in Alexandria, Va. The insurer charged the two companies with infringing on its trademarks when they sold them as ...

MPAA and Customers

Consumers’ digital rights debated This tape was purchased in Chinatown in Washington, D.C.,” he said, reading from its cover. He told the subcommittee that tools by 321 Studios LLC produced the tape, and he pointed to a warning label indicating that reproduction for commercial use is prohibited — drilling home his point that labels and ...