
JA-SIG Conference: Building Portable Portlets

Chuck is talking a bit more about his experience with portlets, and the implications for uPortal, Sakai, etc. Sakai portlet notes: * Preferences – site.upd to change * Edit Mode – site.upd again * `isUserInRole()` mapped to Sakai permissions site.upd, content.read, etc. The `isUserInRole()` mapping seems a little counter-intuitive — seems like really portlet.xml should ...

JA-SIG Conference: Phil Windley Digital Identity Keynote

Listening to Phil’s keynote. Will be trying to post video and audio at some point — in the meantime, there’s a good thread about reputation and privacy. *Update:* Posted very rough audio recording of the keynote, also available as part of the podcast.

In Denver @ JA-SIG

Made it into JA-SIG: ran into Susan on the flight from Newark, which was kind of surreal. The irony was that immediately before seeing her at the gate, I was thinking to myself how strange it is that I’ve never run into anyone else I knew while travelling out to one of these conferences. Arriving ...


I just got back from 4 days out at University of Montana where I presented a couple of sessions at the Portlets2007 conference. It was an interesting experience — most of my past experience has been at JA-SIG, JUGs, or other open-source heavy audiences which tend to be… shall we say… self-selected. I did 2 ...

Personas and Test Data

I was reviewing the excellent work Unicon’s Gary Thompson has done in developing personas related to uPortal (really they seem applicable across Higher-Education), which jogged my to write about some thinking: leveraging well-developed UE personas to build a suite of synthetic test-data. User Experience is often not fully integrated within other aspects of the software ...