
Updated Rutgers to Samigo 2.4

So I finished merging in the Samigo 2.4 changes to the Rutgers code base yesterday the [instructions in the wiki](http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/SAM/Running+Samigo+2.4+in+Sakai+2.3) were actually very good — one small mis-merge on my part, but aside from the self-imposed pain the merge went quite smoothly. So far, the defaulting to off of the rich text areas is a ...

Deep-linking in Sakai

So something I’ve always really wanted Sakai to do for me is allow me to link directly to a specific item within a tool, deep-link into a wiki page, or individual test or assignment (ideally with nice RESTful URLs, but I’d settle for being able to do it at all). Yuji posted a note on ...

Jim’s Famous! (Jonathan, JA-SIG, and uPortal too..)

Open Source Portal Project Honored as Catalyst Campustech did a short piece on JA-SIG uPortal winning EDUCAUSE’s Catalyst Award, where they mentioned the award, and then quoted some bits from Jim H… Jim Helwig, the project manager of the uPortal project at the University of Wisconsin at Madison’s Department of Information Technology, said the project ...

Fuel for Thought: Financial Page: The New Yorker

Fuel for Thought: Financial Page: The New Yorker: In calling for a law requiring better gas mileage in our cars, then, voters are really saying that they’re unhappy with the collective result of the choices they make as buyers. This is a neat quote, summing up how competitive pressures can cause every individual to become ...

Daddy, I love you…

Chris’s new favorite before going to bed, or sitting on the couch thinking line 🙂 > “Hey, Daddy… I don’t like you, I love you!”