
GE Imagination at Work

[Imagination at Work! CUBED](http://www.imaginationcubed.com) is a VERY cool Flash applicatin by people at GE to do collaborative whiteboarding. The cool thing is they’ve built in chatting, basic drawing, and a way to invite people to ongoing sessions via either email or IM. Very neat.

Lost in Translation

Some jokes showed up in my email box today. While I don’t normally reward Spam, some of these were pretty good. > The American Dairy Association was so successful with its “Got Milk?” > campaign, that it was decided to extend the ads to Mexico. > Unfortunately, the Spanish translation was “Are you lactating?” > ...

Moving to Markdown

I’ve started using John Gruber’s Markdown. While I’ve been a fan of the [Textile](http://www.textism.com/textile) system for a while, Markdown’s sytax feels cleaner to me, particularly when you’re looking at it in plain text. The main purpose of the various markup generators to me seems to be to ensure that your formatting distracts as little from ...

Why I’m a Mac User

[Richard Scoble](http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/) of Microsoft asked: > “Mark: tell me what you can do on a Mac that you can’t do on a PC? > Give me, say, five examples. Here’s your chance to do some great > advertising for Apple. The kind they can’t buy.” While I don’ feel the zealous need to defend my ...

katie.com hijacking

Unsurprisingly, the book received massive press attention in the States when it was launched in April 2000. It has since been through several reprints, been printed across the world, and Katie has managed to make a career out of retelling her tale. Most recently an entire TV show called ‘Katie.com’ aired in the US. She ...