
US chastity crusade: cool response in Britain

US chastity crusade gets cool response in secular Britain | csmonitor.com: “The government prefers the message offered by a domestic program called APAUSE (Added Power and Understanding in Sex Education) that counsels an ABC of good practice (Abstinence, Be faithful, use a Condom).One of its architects, John Tripp of Exeter University, says that while Britain ...

iChat TV

Simon Thornton: A Mutual Misunderstanding bq. The recent versions of iChat have, of course, brought with them the capability to use a video source (for most people, that would mean an iSight, or a USB webcam using a hack to get it to work in iChat – see my old post about that, or even ...

Omni-Credit Card

Omni-Credit Card
Wired News: Chameleon Card Changes Stripes – The Chameleon Card’s black strip covers a programmable transducer that mimics the information on the magnetic strips of the cards it is replacing. A new handheld device from Chameleon, the Pocket Vault, programs the Chameleon Card to take the place of any credit card the consumer chooses for ...

Outsourcing is a Fad

Getting to ” Very Satisfied” – Lewis and Brzykcy, fortysomething sisters with otherwise normal lives as a training consultant and a management consultant, respectively, in suburban Illinois, decided to channel their own mounting dissatisfaction as customers into a full-flung survey of almost 500 retailers. At home-improvement stores, gas stations, and fast-food restaurants, the sisters shopped, ...

Apple’s Future

Marketing: Where Does Apple Go from Here? – Macintosh market share continues to decline, but the iPod and iTunes are hit products. Where does Apple Computer’s future lie? An interview with HBS professor David Yoffie. [ “(extlink)HBS Working Knowledge”:http://workingknowledge.hbs.edu ] He seems to have a pretty solid grasp on the main problem: by having their ...