
Blogging styles: Articles or Links?

I haven’t blogged on this site for a while. I have made some posts to my RUJason site using Blogger. Since blogger’s redesign and the launch of MT 3.0 I’ve been comparing the 2 services and have come to the conclusion that both are now mature, capable platforms specialized for different styles, comments & links, ...

9/11 Intel Failure?

Third Party Watchblog bq. At best, I can only conclude that our government was a mess regarding national security. And like any large beauracracy that changes leaders every 4 to 8 years, our government’s ability to plan long term, implement and fulfill long term projects, and remain consistently focused on priorities such that national security ...

Always Win Free Pepsi iTune

Always Win Free Pepsi iTune
How to never lose Pepsi’s iTunes giveaway – The secret is the angle. I’ve found it to be 25 degrees, but that’s really no use when you’re out in the field. Just tilt it until it seems about that, and look up towards it (hold it above your head). With luck, you should be able ...

Palm Dropping Mac Support

Dan Gillmor writes about Palm Dropping Mac OS Sync Support in their new “Cobalt” devices. Considering that Mac users are an easily targeted, easily protected relatively affluent community that has demonstrated a willingness to purchase expensive computer peripherals I think Palm is making a mistake. Native Mac support may not be a deciding factor for ...


Here are some of the websites and other work that I’ve done. More sites will be added shortly. Most sites are hand coded XHTML with CSS styling.