
Bad Spelling Costs $

In Online Auctions, Misspelling in Ads Often Spells Cash – Such is the eBay underworld of misspellers, where the clueless and sometimes just careless sell labtop computers, throwing knifes, Art Deko vases, camras, comferters and saphires. [ “(extlink)NYTimes”:http://www.nytimes.com ] At last some ammunition for the strict spellers among us. Although, admittedly I don’t understand why ...

iTunes Music Store RSS

Apple has just unleashed the iTunes Music Store RSS Generator which allows you to build a RSS feed of new releases, top songs, featured items, etc. to read in your Aggregator. This is amazing. Like push except so much better. Now all they need to do is support trackback pings on individual music pages, and ...


Here are some of the websites and other work that I’ve done. More sites will be added shortly. Most sites are hand coded XHTML with CSS styling.


Waypath Weblog: New Version of our MT Plugin p. I’ve started using the Waypath plugin to provide a “similar entries on other sites” section in the sidebar. I had tried using the Google search feature built into MT, but wasn’t happy with the results. So far I’ve been somewhat happier with the Waypath items, but ...

Adopt (blog) a Reporter

p. Why I Love the Adopt-a-Reporter Scheme. Why I Dread It. – A weblog devoted to watching the work of a journalist is democracy in action. It is bound to be educational, for the watcher and perhaps for the journalist who is watched. But there are reasons to worry. [ “(extlink)PressThink”:http://journalism.nyu.edu/pubzone/weblogs/pressthink/ ] p. Joy Rosen ...