
Plagiarism Detectors

A survey of around 350 undergraduates found nearly 25% had copied text from another source at least once. A new service that can scan 4.5 billion web pages is now online so that lecturers can check the originality of the work submitted by students. I wonder how much of this plagiarism would be avoided if ...

Mark Bernstein: Commentary

Mark Bernstein: Commentary: “Weblog comments incite duels. Duels are bad for society. We should all forego comments and return to carefully blogging responses — including responses we disagree with, but excluding responses we cannot tolerate.” It’s an interesting viewpoint, that is hard to disagree with on the face. Comments appear out of context with a ...

Are Girls Evil?

Ablog: Amusing math argument, are girls evil? “(extlink)Dave Winer”:http://www.scripting.com has a funny entry where he purports to show that bc. girls = evil. Since, roughly from the time I was 12, I have rather felt the opposite, I was saddened that my beloved mathematics could fail so miserably. So, as a mathematician by training, I ...

the Passion: Box Office

the Passion: Box Office
John Robb’s Weblog – Passion of the Christ I wonder if for many *Passion of the Christ* is going to end up being the defining main-stream Christian film of the decade?

Mexican Hotel Sex Chair

Mexican Hotel Sex Chair
NecatPace.ORG WebLog-PhotoLog: El Miami y su maquina (via Gizmondo) bq. n a motel in rustic Guayaquil-Ecuador, love is in the air, but mostly on the ground, thanks to this red and black ‘love bench,’ designed to make love making an even more athletic endeavor. Helpfully (and oh-so-erotically I would add) the hotel management have placed ...