
Mars Edit

I’ve been playing with [MarsEdit](http://www.ranchero.com/marsedit/), and must say that I’m impressed. The biggest problem for me would have to be the fact that I spend so much time on a PC at work, that I don’t feel like I can get tied to too many Mac only programs. If only [Firefox](http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox) supported spell-checking as you ...

Where the Jobs Are

business2blog: Where the Jobs Are > Cnet maps the top IT-job producing cities. Not a lot of surprises: San Jose, Calif.; Washington, D.C.; Long Beach, Calif.; New York; Chicago; Boston; Oakland, Calif.; Seattle; and San Francisco. I don’t think this map would really surprise anyone. It’s interesting to see the concentration of tech jobs around ...

Music & Filesharing

When will the music industry do it right ? – Blog Maverick – www.blogmaverick.com > This is the only industry in the world that can see thousands of its retailers close, reduce the number of products it sells via cutbacks in artist rosters and albums released, cut back marketing and promotional dollars and then blame ...


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.

American Hegemony & Global Talent

> But what if Brin had stayed in Moscow, and Khosla remained in India, and Wang had gone to university in Europe? That’s the provocative question posed by Richard Florida in “America’s Looming Creativity Crisis,” an article in the October issue of the Harvard Business Review. Florida, a professor at Carnegie-Mellon University, maintains that “the ...