
UID to Sort Blog Posts?

The Echo Effect in the Blogosphere – I wish there were a Universal Story ID Number (USID)  in the blogosphere.  Then I wish my RSS Feed Reader could organize my content by the USID so that I could turn off a story and all comments related to that story.  [< a href="http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/MikeWalsh/" class="extlink">Mike Walsh’s Social Software Stuff] He brings up an interesting point of how with ...

Parenting through art direction

A certain breed of parent is happily buying postmodern rugs, art deco lamps and vintage sports posters for their children. But who are these items really for? [Salon] This is really more a test of the blog editor in NetNewsWire than anything else.

Bollywood Partners with Kazaa

Bollywood in Internet download deal – BANGALORE (Reuters) – India’s film makers are offering Internet movie downloads on web site Kazaa in a move that could lower costs and boost revenues in Bollywood, the world’s most prolific film production centre. [Reuters UK] As I “previously blogged”:89 Bollywood seems to be embracing the prospects of digital ...

Outsourcing jobs to India

Salon.com has an interview with venture capitalist Ravi Chiruvolu where he claims that outsourcing to India isn’t just a cost saving measure, but a competitive necessity. More and more of our competitors will be doing [outsourcing], and all it takes is one or two to pull that model off, and they will have a cost ...

NYT Lord of the Rings Rating Statement

Norlos.com has a note about the NYTimes review of LOTR:The Return of the King paragraph where they describe the film’s ratings and the reasons behind them, has a slightly more colorful statement than you generally see. “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” is rated PG-13 for a stunning mastery of violence ...