
Fix MT Bookmarklet in Safari

Fixing the MT bookmarklet for Safari [ “(extlink)The Daily Journey”:http://www.jayallen.org/journey/ ] Change: t=d.selection?d.selection.createRange() .text:d.getSelection(); To: t=getSelection(); Much as I’d grown to love Kung-log, with the trackback integration and “(extlink)Omniweb”:http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omniweb/ or “(extlink)Safari’s”:http://www.apple.com/safari built in spell checking, I’ve found that I actually use the bookmarklet much more when browsing and blogging. The only thing that would be ...

Can Apple Grow the Mac?

Expo Speculations [Jan. 05, 2004] – With all the hoopla over ITMS for Windows and the fact that iPods work with non-Mac computers, it’s easy to overlook the fact that Apple’s music strategy is another proprietary platform play. That’s the strategy that gave Microsoft its monopoly and made Apple a niche player in the computer ...

Kantor on One-time Emails

One-Time-Use E-Mail Addresses – You sign up with a address company (e.g., “NoSpam.com”) that you give your real address to. When you need to provide a valid e-mail address on a site, you click a button and NoSpam would instantly generate an address — maybe “x43gti@akantor.nospam.com.” Ugly? Yeah. But who cares? You could specify how ...

New CSS Site Design

The frontpage has been redone into a new design using CSS to position the sidebars. There’s a few bugs to work out (particularly in Internet Explorer) but hopefully they’ll get worked out in a few days and then I’ll extend the design to the rest of the site.

Macworld Wishlist

Macworld Wish List for Steve by David Miller – Macworld SF is like a second Christmas for many Mac users. And it all begins with Steve’s keynote address. What new goodies are in store for this coming year? Here’s a wish list from Mac DevCenter writers. [MacDevCenter]