
From Twitter: Facebook Meets Life Realities

Its a bit creepy when Facebook shows you the birthday of a friend who has passed away. The FB kids weren’t thinking about death and divorce. http://twitter.com/gwachob

Jasig CAS4

Listening to Scott talk about CAS4 work and effort. Core items he’s mentioned look to be: * Redesigned to better support non-CAS protocols (e.g. SAML, etc.) * Increased emphasis on SAML as a product * Better admin tools (service administration, workflow for registering services) * Eased configuration (w/o needing to edit deployerContext.xml) * Better extension ...

Screening Resumes

We’ve been looking at expanding our development team (contact me if you’re an awesome developer, passionate about what you do, and like people and work) and so I’ve been screening a lot of resumes and CVs recently. If you’re a candidate, keep reading and tell me in your interview you read this. If you’re just ...

Microsoft & Desktop Web Apps

Hmm… been a while since I vanity blogged 🙂 I was using my Mac with the Universal Access panel’s VoiceOver turned on (which is really annoying if you don’t tweak the verbosity settings) as part of some accessibility testing that I was doing with Sakai. An interesting side-effect of my testing came when Microsoft’s MyDay ...

Ruby, Builder, and CourseManagementXML Data

We needed to populate some training course and class rosters into Sakai to let people play with site creation, roster attachment, and publishing tests to students. While we could have used webservices, we decided to leverage the built-in CmSyncJob and generate an XML file to dump out the data, and then sync it into the ...