
Unemployment and Offshoring

Say I wanted to build a technology research company from scratch. I would hire all of the principal analysts and core management team (including IT) from US sources. All of the accounting, admin, international sales, research associates, call center sales, editorial support, translation services, report production, and IT services would be hired from offshore sources ...

Apple Computer Debt Free

Apple CEO Steve Jobs today sent out a letter to Apple employees: Team, Today is a historic day of sorts for our company. When I arrived back at Apple in mid-1997, the company was burdened with $1 billion of debt. Through everyone’s hard work we turned Apple around, paid off the majority of our debt ...

Always Win Free Pepsi iTune

Always Win Free Pepsi iTune
How to never lose Pepsi’s iTunes giveaway – The secret is the angle. I’ve found it to be 25 degrees, but that’s really no use when you’re out in the field. Just tilt it until it seems about that, and look up towards it (hold it above your head). With luck, you should be able ...

Music is Struggling

Killing the Music – When I started in the music business, music was important and vital to our culture. Artists connected with their fans. Record labels signed cutting-edge artists, and FM radio offered an incredible variety of music. Music touched fans in a unique and personal way. Our culture was enriched and the music business ...

Writing Promotes Literacy

Napsterization.org: Does Writing Make You More Literate? Do You Learn More? – writing is a process that changes things more radically for me. When I take in some piece of information, I may react, may think about how I feel, what I believe, what the framework and logic surrounding the information are, but initially I’m ...