
Costco: Good Pay = Good Business

Costco Sees Value in Higher Pay – “We pay better than the supermarkets, and we pay much better than Wal-Mart,” Sinegal says. “That’s not altruism,” he continues. “It’s good business.” The numbers seem to back him up. Costco’s labor costs amount to 7% of its $42 billion in annual sales, a key industry yardstick. By ...

Same-sex Marriage

Same-Sex Marriage – Can someone please explain to me why same-sex marriage is a bad thing? Seriously, please explain to me why a man and a man or a woman and a woman should not be able to marry. I will add only one qualifier, if you say that it is wrong because the Bible ...

Palm Dropping Mac Support

Dan Gillmor writes about Palm Dropping Mac OS Sync Support in their new “Cobalt” devices. Considering that Mac users are an easily targeted, easily protected relatively affluent community that has demonstrated a willingness to purchase expensive computer peripherals I think Palm is making a mistake. Native Mac support may not be a deciding factor for ...

Boosting Google Rank

Score Higher in Google Search Engine (and why Google is saving the web.) – Almost everyone searches Google to find information, and Google quickly rewards them by displaying the information they are seeking. Thereby, Google rewards useful sites with the eyes of people who are looking for useful information. This is helping the web recover ...

Unison: Mac Newsreader

Unison: Mac Newsreader
Unison is a new Mac OS X Usenet reader by Panic Software, the same people who produced the Transmit FTP client. It’s probably the slickest Usenet client I’ve used in a while, though being a 1.0 level product it has some features that are missing. h4. Image Browsing The best feature in Panic is by ...