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American Hegemony & Global Talent

> But what if Brin had stayed in Moscow, and Khosla remained in India, and Wang had gone to university in Europe? That’s the provocative question posed by Richard Florida in “America’s Looming Creativity Crisis,” an article in the October issue of the Harvard Business Review. Florida, a professor at Carnegie-Mellon University, maintains that “the ...

Bush, Kerry, and voting Independent?

There’s been a lot of heated debate over dishonesty and manipulation of facts after the Presidential and Vice-Presidential debates. In many ways I think the items that are attracting outrage are relatively small, and those more deserving of public scrutiny seem to be getting ignored. For instance, given the overall context of a political debate, ...

$2 mil spilled on Turnpike

> It wasn’t pennies from heaven but an > estimated $2 million in cash and coins > that spilled across the New Jersey > Turnpike in Carteret last night after an > armored car crashed into a guardrail and > flipped, spewing its cargo. > “It’s a madhouse. There’s money everywhere,” said > Turnpike spokesman ...

Google via SMS

> Google SMS (Short Message Service) > enables you to easily get precise > answers to specialized queries from > your mobile phone or device. Send your > query as a text message and get phone > book listings, dictionary definitions, > product prices and more. Just text. No > links. No web pages. Simply ...