
America’s Giving – Scroogish?

America, the Indifferent Almost a third of the way into the program, the latest available figures show that the percentage of United States income going to poor countries remains near rock bottom: 0.14 percent. Britain is at 0.34 percent, and France at 0.41 percent. (Norway and Sweden, to no one’s surprise, are already exceeding the ...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone! ![christmas card](http://jay.shao.org/images/2004-12-25-christmas.png “Christmas Card”)

For a Flat Tax

WSJ Opinions Section > Mr. O’Donnell’s complaint seems to be that blue > states like Connecticut pay a much higher > average tax rate than do red states like Oklahoma, > making them carry a disproportionate > share of the federal tax burden. If that is so, > enacting John Kerry’s proposed tax hike > ...

Cutting Mass. Partner Benefits

business2blog: Companies Cut Benefits to Gays >> Massachusetts companies, some of which pioneered so-called domestic-partner benefits for unmarried, same-sex partners, said they are now withdrawing them for reasons of fairness: If gays and lesbians can now marry, they should no longer receive special treatment in the form of health benefits that were not made available ...

Mars Edit

I’ve been playing with [MarsEdit](http://www.ranchero.com/marsedit/), and must say that I’m impressed. The biggest problem for me would have to be the fact that I spend so much time on a PC at work, that I don’t feel like I can get tied to too many Mac only programs. If only [Firefox](http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox) supported spell-checking as you ...