
Private Dreamliner: VIP Edition

Private Dreamliner: VIP Edition
Private Dreamliner: VIP Edition 787 Dreamliner Still Kicks Airbus’ Butt With Style – Gizmodo: “” I want one…

Facebook Platform – In-road to HE Legitimacy?

Facebook Platform - In-road to HE Legitimacy?
http://developers.facebook.com/index.php Facebook has once again made it the coolest platform ever by opening their API further, and most importantly supporting sessions that don’t expire every 24 hours. There’s been a lot of talk on the web about this helping them to monetize Facebook’s user base through commerce partnerships. I think that’s true, but I also ...

JRuby on Rails WARs

At Portlets2007 I was talking with Greg from St. Thomas about Rails, and he showed me a Rails app he had deployed out using JDeveloper and OC4J — basically Rails inside a WAR file. Very cool — and apparently easy enough to do that he got it working *during* my session on PortletMVC. Not sure ...

Windley Post w/Microforomat vevent in NNW

This was so cool: Phil Windley’s publishing event references as microformats (hevent) in his blog posts, and NNW picked them up and created a little “add to iCal” button. This was so cool I had to ping Phil about it: I’m excited that it worked! I’m playing with it. I just wrote an Emacs function ...

Gaming to Teach Java

via email from the Princeton JUG Another interesting resource for learning about Java and programming is http://www.greenfoot.org/. It is an interactive learning tool that starts by having you build a game world with actors, using a GUI. Then, you learn how to enhance the world by using Java code. It’s worth a look. At JavaOne ...