
Any Day Now

The girls are expected any day now. Work’s been interesting — I get a lot of “you’re still here” comments and everyone seems to be excited. Twins are definitely a big deal.

Yahoo 360 First Impressions

I like Yahoo 360 for a lot of the same reasons I like my.yahoo. If you’re already using Yahoo services for photos, etc. it’s an easy way to share things with your friends and acquaintances. I don’t know how much it’ll appeal to the blogging community since there doesn’t currently seem to be as much ...

Gainfully Employed

Gainfully Employed
As you can see by the orgchart above, I have accepted an offer of employment from Rutgers University Office of Information Technology. I’m working full-time as of 1/26/2005, and will be working on the myRutgers Portal among other projects. You can see me reporting to the “vacant” box in the lower right hand corner. Although ...

Mars Edit

I’ve been playing with [MarsEdit](http://www.ranchero.com/marsedit/), and must say that I’m impressed. The biggest problem for me would have to be the fact that I spend so much time on a PC at work, that I don’t feel like I can get tied to too many Mac only programs. If only [Firefox](http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox) supported spell-checking as you ...

GE Imagination at Work

[Imagination at Work! CUBED](http://www.imaginationcubed.com) is a VERY cool Flash applicatin by people at GE to do collaborative whiteboarding. The cool thing is they’ve built in chatting, basic drawing, and a way to invite people to ongoing sessions via either email or IM. Very neat.