
No More Copying TV Programs

Losing Control of Your TV – Indeed, Hollywood was always set up to be one of the winners of the home technology revolution. What would have been different if the movie industry had won in its lawsuit against Sony is that the revolution in camcorders, amateur video productions, and independent moviemakers never would have happened. ...

iChat-AIM Video Possible

iChat AV, AIM updates add Mac to PC video conferencing – Apple Computer Inc. and America Online Inc. on Thursday announced a new level of compatibility between the companies’ instant messaging applications, iChat AV and AIM 5.5 for the PC. With updates released today PC and Mac users will enjoy the benefit of video conferencing ...

Video iPods That Work

The Future of Portable Video Players – But Mr. Jobs outlined three reasons he doubted video players would ever approach the success of audio players – not even counting their high price ($700 and up) and the time-consuming difficulty of loading huge video files onto them. It was clear from his answers that Mr. Jobs ...

Building a Tivo

PVR Parts Ordered – Since the hardware is now on order, I suppose I have committed myself to building what Catherine has branded “STeVo”, which is my feeble attempt at a constructing a homebrew PVR (personal video recorder). [hatch.org] I’m going to be following this, since I’ve also been thinking about this, and I can’t ...

Robots to Take Over US Economy by 2050?

Marshall Brain, the creater of the How Stuff Works website has written a piece discussing his belief that Humanoid Robots will take over the American Economy by 2050. His claim is that advances in robotics will produce humanoid robots that will increasingly replace humans at lower-income jobs due to their lower operating costs, producing millions ...