
Pakistan makes Kashmir concession

A BBC article claims “Pakistan is ready to put aside its demand for a referendum in the disputed territory of Kashmir, President Pervez Musharraf has said.” “If we want to resolve this issue, both sides need to talk to each other with flexibility, coming beyond stated positions, meeting halfway somewhere,” General Musharraf said. The Indian ...

Study Simpsons in College

The Star Ledger has an article about some offbeat college course topics that have been popping up recently. Students can study everythings to the Simpsons and society, to “How to Watch Television.” Remarkably, instructors have found when they make an effort to involve students and relate their material and overall themes to subjects and examples ...

ICANN vs. UN for Internet Control

Bloggers have been commenting on the World Summit on the Information Society. While in many ways the conference has degenerated into a forum for the undeveloped world to take potshots at the developed nations over notions of equality, it has concerned many due to both potential effects on the internet, and a misunderstanding by many ...

British IRS has Sense of Humor

p. “(extlink)Adam Smith Institute Blog”:http://www.adamsmithblog.org republished a “(extlink)letter reprinted in the Guardian”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardian_jobs_and_money/story/0,3605,1050281,00.html from the British Tax Collection Agency in response to an irate letter from someone owing taxes. It’s quite funny, and certainly more humorous than an American response from the IRS.

Apple and PC Users Switch for a week

p. Britain’s Times ran a “(extlink)story”:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFriendly/0,,1-8088-882668,00.html where they had a PC user and a Mac user switch for a week and then write about their experience. Overall, the article seems well written, with the overall conclusion that the Mac has an edge, but it’s probably not enough of one to justify switching from a PC ...