
10 Things Women Say

via email FINE This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up. FIVE MINUTES If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more minutes to watch the game before ...

WWII Propaganda Posters

Propaganda Posters bq. Most of the images on this page are of U.S. propaganda posters used in World War Two to motivate millions of Americans in the successful effort to defeat the Axis Powers in World War Two. Some of these posters are “chilling” in the emotional impact they make. Many of the posters are ...

Sue Cingular for Accidents

Xposed – Men’s Magazine: Cell Phone Maker Absolved in Ind. Crash bq.. The woman, Terry Williams, claimed her car was struck by a driver who had been talking on the cell phone. In addition to suing the other driver, Williams sued the cell phone company, saying it provided phones to people who were certain to ...

Pocket Real PC

msmobiles.com – Sony launches the smallest PC of the world: Sony VAIO U series * display: 800×600 pixels (touchscreen with stylus, not digitizer – thus requiremetns to be a Tablet PC are not met – Tablet PC needs to have a digitizer so that touching the screen with fingers doesn’t work) * operating system: Windows ...

Are Girls Evil?

Ablog: Amusing math argument, are girls evil? “(extlink)Dave Winer”:http://www.scripting.com has a funny entry where he purports to show that bc. girls = evil. Since, roughly from the time I was 12, I have rather felt the opposite, I was saddened that my beloved mathematics could fail so miserably. So, as a mathematician by training, I ...