
Penguin backs down on Katie.com

Penguin Putnam’s decision to rename one of its best-selling books could mean that one of the Net’s oddest domain name battles may be drawing to a close. The dispute is odd because it is not over ownership of a domain name, but about its use as a book title. It is quite a saga, but ...

katie.com hijacking

Unsurprisingly, the book received massive press attention in the States when it was launched in April 2000. It has since been through several reprints, been printed across the world, and Katie has managed to make a career out of retelling her tale. Most recently an entire TV show called ‘Katie.com’ aired in the US. She ...

Relief with the pee-Pod

The trauma of dirty loos could be a thing of the past for users of pPod, a guide to the best and worst of public toilets for iPod owners. It’s interesting to see more stuff like this happening as iPod’s become a prevalent small digital device. It reminds me a lot of all the city ...

There Are Two Americas

The real difference between the two parties comes with the decision of at one point, exactly, the government should start restricting our lives. Does Big Brother have a place in markets, or in minds, or in both? Up until this point in our recent political memory, the Leave Us Alone crowd has traditionally found a ...

Urban Legends: Automobiles (Sweet Revenge)

Judging from the entries made on one police blotter after another, cars around the nation are having their gas tanks sugared by those whom their owners have displeased. Why is this happening? Because, according to widespread belief, sugar poured into a gas tank will Sugar, Sugar turn into a poor man’s version of liquid cement ...