
New Macbook Pro

Got a new Macbook Pro (gotta add the pro at the end) at work, and have literally spent the whole day adding in all the stuff I “need” to make it my own development box. It’s amazing how much stuff you end up with that you quickly come to rely on. My short list seems ...

YouTube Obeys Fake Takedown Request From 15 Year Old

YouTube Obeys Fake Takedown Request From 15 Year Old : “Want a video removed from YouTube? Send along a fake takedown notice pretending to be from the copyright holder. At least, it’s a prank that worked for a 15 year old from Perth, Australia, who sent a signed form to YouTube pretending to be from ...

Tim Bray Not Sure About OpenID

ongoing · OpenID The Real Problem · Of course, out there in the enterprise space where most of Sun’s customers live, they think about identity problems at an entirely different level. Single-sign-on seems like a little and not terribly interesting piece of the problem. They lose sleep at night over “Attribute Exchange”; once you have ...

Strange love for passwords

Strange love for passwords Now, I’m not going to speculate too far into the future, to a time when Visa displaces the DMV or passport agency as issuer of authoritative international credentials for every kind of identification and authentication. However, there are no other entities that have Visa and MasterCard’s topical ubiquity and influence.  They’ve ...

Netvibes Promises Cross-Platform Widget Compatibility

Netvibes Promises Cross-Platform Widget Compatibility Today at the Future of Web Apps conference in London, Netvibes founder Tariq Krim announced that their upcoming “Coriander” release will do just that. Once launched, any widget created for Netvibes, Krim says, will work on the Vista, Google, Mac and Opera platforms as well. Support for Yahoo Widgets and ...