
Kantor on One-time Emails

One-Time-Use E-Mail Addresses – You sign up with a address company (e.g., “NoSpam.com”) that you give your real address to. When you need to provide a valid e-mail address on a site, you click a button and NoSpam would instantly generate an address — maybe “x43gti@akantor.nospam.com.” Ugly? Yeah. But who cares? You could specify how ...

UID to Sort Blog Posts?

The Echo Effect in the Blogosphere – I wish there were a Universal Story ID Number (USID)  in the blogosphere.  Then I wish my RSS Feed Reader could organize my content by the USID so that I could turn off a story and all comments related to that story.  [< a href="http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/MikeWalsh/" class="extlink">Mike Walsh’s Social Software Stuff] He brings up an interesting point of how with ...

Apple the Unsuccessful Innovator

If He’s So Smart…Steve Jobs, Apple, and the Limits of Innovation – The battle over digital music is just another verse in Apple’s sad song: This astonishingly imaginative company keeps getting muscled out of markets it creates. So what does Apple have to tell us about innovation? [Fast Company] The article’s point is keen: Apple ...

Buffalo Fruitcake Amnesty Plan

Take that fruitcake and mail it. To Buffalo – BUFFALO, N.Y. — Competitive eaters will sink their teeth into the nation’s unwanted fruitcakes in a contest that blurs the line between public service and public spectacle. Buffalo and the International Federation of Competitive Eating yesterday announced their two-part answer to the question of what to ...

Outsourcing jobs to India

Salon.com has an interview with venture capitalist Ravi Chiruvolu where he claims that outsourcing to India isn’t just a cost saving measure, but a competitive necessity. More and more of our competitors will be doing [outsourcing], and all it takes is one or two to pull that model off, and they will have a cost ...