
Economic Cost of 12 Days of Christmas

PNC Bank’s Analysts have a great piece examining the economic costs and changes of the 12 Days of Christmas songs. It’s nice to see analysts who have fun with their chosen professions, with style and humor. PITTSBURGH, Dec. 8, 2003 – While stiff import competition is driving deeper discounts on merchandise sold in the United ...

ICANN vs. UN for Internet Control

Bloggers have been commenting on the World Summit on the Information Society. While in many ways the conference has degenerated into a forum for the undeveloped world to take potshots at the developed nations over notions of equality, it has concerned many due to both potential effects on the internet, and a misunderstanding by many ...

British IRS has Sense of Humor

p. “(extlink)Adam Smith Institute Blog”:http://www.adamsmithblog.org republished a “(extlink)letter reprinted in the Guardian”:http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardian_jobs_and_money/story/0,3605,1050281,00.html from the British Tax Collection Agency in response to an irate letter from someone owing taxes. It’s quite funny, and certainly more humorous than an American response from the IRS.

Fast Company: The Price is Right

p. Fast Company published an “(extlink)article”:http://www.fastcompany.com/soundoff/reader_comment.html?cid=12386 about consumers increasing willingness to scrimp and save in one are to spend on premium products in another. I think the thought behind the article show promise in indicating a return to a “positive” approach to growth and marketing.

Kazaa to Legally Distribute Bollywood Film

p. According to a News.com “(extlink)story”:http://rss.com.com/2100-1026_3-5106829.html “(extlink)Kazaa”:http://www.kazaa.com is working with a Bollywood movie house to legally distribute a film and its soundtrack. This is quite possibly one of the smartest (and most economically rewarding moves) that they could take.