
Religion of Environmentalism

Michael Crichton has posted an essay about what he feels is the greatest threat in our time: The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the ...

Apple iTunes Music Store

iTunes and the iPod are clearly the leaders in MP3 space, because they are simply the best overall solution. I would be concerned in the future about a similar Mac like thing happening – as some other players may be better solutions for individuals. E.g. I would love to use a memory stick player sometimes, ...

Study Simpsons in College

The Star Ledger has an article about some offbeat college course topics that have been popping up recently. Students can study everythings to the Simpsons and society, to “How to Watch Television.” Remarkably, instructors have found when they make an effort to involve students and relate their material and overall themes to subjects and examples ...

Inverted Pyramid Style for the Web

p. Another Fast Company “(extlink)article”:http://blog.fastcompany.com/archives/2003/11/14/languishing_language.html talks about the need to modify your writing style, particularly when dealing with the web. I couldn’t agree more. I can’t count the number of problems caused when someone “didn’t read the entire email” or “missed the details at the bottom.” Particularly with so much communication now coming in the ...

Apple and PC Users Switch for a week

p. Britain’s Times ran a “(extlink)story”:http://www.timesonline.co.uk/printFriendly/0,,1-8088-882668,00.html where they had a PC user and a Mac user switch for a week and then write about their experience. Overall, the article seems well written, with the overall conclusion that the Mac has an edge, but it’s probably not enough of one to justify switching from a PC ...