
Lessig in Trial against Charitable Immunity Act

p. “(extlink)Lawrence Lessig”:http://lessig.org/blog/ is representing John Hardwicke in a lawsuit against their common alma mater the American Boychoir School in Princeton. As reported in the “(extlink)Star Ledger”:http://www.nj.com/search/index.ssf?/base/news-1/106870652649440.xml?starledger?ntr :

Google Calculator (Google Agent?)

p. “(extlink)Google”:http://www.google.com now allows you to enter math equations directly into the web search field, and it will automatically spit out results, as well as do unit conversions among other things. For instance, if you enter: *speed of light * 2* then google will return the speed of light * 2 = 599 584 916 ...

Comment Spam

p. “(extlink)Six Log: Comment Spam”:http://www.sixapart.com/log/2003/10/comment_spam.shtml talks about spammers increasingly leaving comments on blogs (particularly those powered by MovableType) as in addition to the circulation you would get from email Spam, it helps to build a site’s “(extlink)Google PageRank”:http://www.google.com/technology . This problem has become prevalent that “(extlink)Jay Allen”:http://www.jayallen.org has produced “(extlink)MT-Blacklist”:http://www.jayallen.org/projects/mt-blacklist/ a plug-in designed to reject ...

Gentoo, 8139too & Linux Kernel ACPI

p. Well, I finally have my “Gentoo”:http://www.gentoo.org Linux system up… mostly. I can connect to the Internet, I emerged builds of Gnome, KDE, and some apps like Evolution and Galeon. Getting everything configured and running (particularly ethernet) took a couple of days of futzing around and reading up on the “Gentoo Forums”:http://forums.gentoo.org

Athlon XP & Heatsinks

I put together my Athlon XP system today, and finally got it booting. The problem ended up being exactly what Googling suggested, the Athlon won’t boot without a heatsink attached. For good reason too, WITH the heatsink (w/o thermal paste) the processor clocked in at 150+ degrees. It would boot, but I noticed various erratic ...