
283 potential Linux patent infringements

An audit conducted by Open Source Risk Management (OSRM) found 283 potential patent infringements in the Linux 2.4 and 2.6 code base. The OSRM, a group that offers indemnification against Linux copyright infringement claims, conducted a study in advance of the expansion of its indemnification offerings to cover patent infringement. According the OSRM, 27 of ...

Cut-Rate Windows ‘XP Starter Edition’

Last summer, in response to the success that Linux was having in the Thai marketplace, Microsoft began offering Thai citizens a Thai-localized bundle of Microsoft Windows XP Home and Office XP Standard. As part of the deal, Microsoft also stripped out some unspecified features from both products and slashed the price for the pair to ...

US chastity crusade: cool response in Britain

US chastity crusade gets cool response in secular Britain | csmonitor.com: “The government prefers the message offered by a domestic program called APAUSE (Added Power and Understanding in Sex Education) that counsels an ABC of good practice (Abstinence, Be faithful, use a Condom).One of its architects, John Tripp of Exeter University, says that while Britain ...

Verizon plans unbundled DSL

Verizon Communications will soon become the second Baby Bell in the United States to offer broadband to consumers regardless of whether those customers also buy its local phone service. The company confirmed on Wednesday that it plans to offer what’s been called “naked” digital subscriber line (DSL) service to customers within its local phone region ...

Nielson on Computers of 2034

Thirty Years With Computers (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox) bq.. We’ll also spend a big percentage of the computer power on defense mechanisms such as self-healing software (to root out bugs and adapt to changing environments) and aggressively defensive virus antibodies. We’ll need such software to protect against “social engineering” attacks, such as email that purports to ...