
Macworld Wishlist

Macworld Wish List for Steve by David Miller – Macworld SF is like a second Christmas for many Mac users. And it all begins with Steve’s keynote address. What new goodies are in store for this coming year? Here’s a wish list from Mac DevCenter writers. [MacDevCenter]

Businessweek on Indian Outsourcing

Corporate America’s Silent Partnet: India – The shift of skilled work to India is becoming one of Corporate America’s worst-kept secrets. Almost daily, India’s newspapers carry items on new plans by U.S. software, finance, or pharmaceutical companies to open or expand call centers and research labs. Officials from Bombay to Bangalore point to splashy new ...

Buffalo Fruitcake Amnesty Plan

Take that fruitcake and mail it. To Buffalo – BUFFALO, N.Y. — Competitive eaters will sink their teeth into the nation’s unwanted fruitcakes in a contest that blurs the line between public service and public spectacle. Buffalo and the International Federation of Competitive Eating yesterday announced their two-part answer to the question of what to ...

Sony Robot Runs

A Wired News article details Sony’s accomplishment. Sony’s walking robot already knows a few hip dance steps and can kick a miniature soccer ball. Now, it can jog — a new trick that developers say is ingenious because it requires the machine to jump off the ground, if only for a fraction of a second.

Foxtrot Artist Uses Macs

The artist for the Foxtrot comic strip was interviewed in a MacNN article where he talked about using photoshop to save himself time when creating his strips. “I assemble the daily strips in Photoshop,” Amend noted. “For the lettering, I use a font I created from my handwriting with Fontographer. For the art, I draw ...