
uP3 Day 5: More Person Directory & Data.xml Channel Publishing

Faizan’s PersonDirectory changes didn’t seem to take on my machine — not sure why, maybe the UserAttributesPortlet got patched, and I don’t have the most current version? I think he started looking at GAPS at home, but was running into some problems. I’m still looking at migrating our template user into the portal framework. For ...

Flash Portal

YourMinis is a Flash-based customizable homepage product that will compete for users with a number of similar products that use Ajax – Netvibes, Pageflakes, Google, Live.com and more. This was launched by a startup called Goowy, which created a flash-based productivity suite (email, calendar, IM, etc.) last year – see here for our Goowy coverage. ...

Rutgers UBC_Webmail Modifications

Rutgers UBC_Webmail Modifications
George Lindholm wrote: I’m starting some work on the UBC Webmail channel as part of our 2.0.3 to 2.5.x upgrade project. George — I’ve responded inline to get notes on the list, there’s a blog version of this online at: which has pictures which is probably much simpler to get a feel for what I’m ...

Leila and Penelope

Hi everyone, I hope the holidays finds everyone happy and well. I’m proud to announce that yesterday morning at 12:46 and 12:55 PM Leila and Penelope Shao entered the world. Leila was 5 lb. 11 oz, and 19 inches long. She’s the quiet thoughtful one, but she’s looking around an awful lot so I’m suspicious ...

For a Flat Tax

WSJ Opinions Section > Mr. O’Donnell’s complaint seems to be that blue > states like Connecticut pay a much higher > average tax rate than do red states like Oklahoma, > making them carry a disproportionate > share of the federal tax burden. If that is so, > enacting John Kerry’s proposed tax hike > ...