

Here are some of the websites and other work that I’ve done. More sites will be added shortly. Most sites are hand coded XHTML with CSS styling.

New CSS Site Design

The frontpage has been redone into a new design using CSS to position the sidebars. There’s a few bugs to work out (particularly in Internet Explorer) but hopefully they’ll get worked out in a few days and then I’ll extend the design to the rest of the site.

Movable Type Upgrade Coming

Movable Type 3.0 – We realize that official news has been scarce over the last 6-9 months. During this time, our company has grown from two people to seven, and we have launched TypePad . Now that we have hired more engineering resources (and we are still looking for more ), we are able to ...

Resume (Handcoded and all)

Just as an exercie I’ve been working on hand-coding my resume, trying to use the HTML(Hypertext Markeup Language) to more closely relate the semantic content, with CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) used to control the formatting. I have most of the HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) complete, and hope to finish the stylesheet coding by this weekend. When it ...